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Rommana ALM Recorded Tutorials

The following tutorials have been recorded to provide you with details of how to perform tasks within Rommana ALM. We strongly recommend you watch these tutorials in the order they are listed. More tutorials will be added on a regular basis.

First Things First - Building the User Pool by Site Manager
(6 minutes and 43 seconds)

This tutorial describes how the site manager build the user pool for the site. This the very first step needed when the site is initially built.

Creating a Product or a System by Project Manager or Product Owner
(11 minutes and 2 seconds)

This tutorial describes how a product owner or a project manager can create a product or a system. This task must be performed before defining any project. Projects in Rommana ALM only exist for products or systems. Every project delivers features for a specific product or system..

Product Backlogs, Projects, and Releases
(8 minutes and 11 seconds)

This tutorial describes the relationship between Product Backlogs, Projects and Releases in Rommana ALM.

Creating Projects
(13 minutes and 11 seconds)

This tutorial describes how to add team members to your project

Adding Team Members to Your Project
(6 minutes and 40 seconds)

This tutorial describes the process of creating a project

Working with Requirements
(15 minutes and 18 seconds)

This tutorial describes how to work with requirements

Working with User Stories
(9 minutes and 7 seconds)

This tutorial describes how to work with User Stories

Using Scenarios to Add More Details to Requirements and User Stories
(14 minutes and 34 seconds)

This tutorial describes how you can use scenarios to add more details to requirements and User Stories. It also describes how you can do risk-based testing using scenarios

Using a Change Request to Create a New Version of an Existing Requirement
(26 minutes and 45 seconds)

This tutorial describes how you can use change requests to create a new version of an existing requirement or a User Stories.